By: Juan Fernando González G.
The disappearance of menstruation, the most visible sign of the arrival of menopause, is something that many women can be thankful for, although this fact also marks the entry into a stage in which there are extremely annoying symptoms for which, fortunately, there are answers effective medical science.
To talk about menopause it is convenient to first talk about the climacteric (steps or steps, in Greek), the transition period between the reproductive and non-reproductive stages that is present in the lives of women approximately one year before, and one year later. , that menstruation ceases permanently.
The most characteristic symptoms of this stage are hot flashes, mood swings, osteoporosis, vaginal dryness, as well as decreased sex drive and hair loss. The disappearance of estrogens, hormones that function as a protective shield against the aforementioned conditions, also generates an increase in cardiovascular risk (it is equal to that of men) and there are urinary infections and incontinence, for example.
The population with menopause grows
According to the National Population Council, in 1950 life expectancy for Mexican women was 52 years; Today, the figure stands at 79.2 years for those born after 2016, according to the 2020 World Health Statistics Report presented by the World Health Organization.
The National Institute of Statistics and Geography indicates, in its most recent survey, that in Mexico there are 9 million, 700 thousand women between 50 and 60 years old, which places them as protagonists of a condition that, many times, is not understood by his male counterpart and used as raw material for teasing, insults and the description of erratic emotional behavior.
Nature does not make mistakes
Hormone replacement therapy is a way to “replenish” the estrogens that the female body stops making during menopause. While it is true that this option has been shown to be beneficial in preventing bone loss and reducing the risk of fractures in postmenopausal women, for example, it should not be forgotten that there are some associated risks that should not be ignored.
Experts from the famed Mayo Clinic (United States) point out that the negative repercussions depend on the type of hormone therapy, the dose, the length of time the drug is taken and individual health risks. “For best results, hormone therapy must be tailored to the individual and reassessed regularly to ensure that the benefits continue to outweigh the risks,” they point out.
Science, Homeopathy, and Menopause
Scientific studies linked to Homeopathy are not as frequent as those carried out in the field of conventional medicine, but one of them, carried out by Dr. Josefina Sánchez Reséndiz (a true institution in the field of medical research) and collaborators , verified the efficacy of homeopathic treatment during climacteric.
The expert, who for decades was attached to the National Polytechnic Institute, proved that the drugs Lachesis trigonocephalus and Pulsatilla nigricans help reduce the characteristic symptoms of this life cycle of women: hot flashes, palpitations, insomnia, changes in mood and irritability, but also physical and mental fatigue, urinary urgency and vaginal dryness.
It is pertinent to remember that homeopathic medicine has the quality of improving the integral state of our organism, which includes, of course, the mental and emotional sphere, all of which can be affected by the hormonal metamorphosis that we have described.
Torres Jiménez, A., Torres Rincón, J. Climacteric and menopause. Rev. Fac. Med. (Mex.) [Online]. 2018, vol.61, n.2. Department of Integration of Medical Sciences. School of Medicine. National Autonomous University of Mexico. Mexico City.
Ruiz-Mandujano, M., García-Vivas, J., Luna, Reséndiz, R., Ochoa-Bernal, F., Sánchez-Monroy, V. Evaluation of the Homeopathic Treatment of Climacteric Women between 45 and 60 years old with the Menopause Rating Scale (MRS).
The Homeopathy of Mexico. Volume 88, number 716, January-March 2019, p. 28-35
National Survey of Demographic Dynamics 2018. Database. INEGI.
Mayo Clinic.
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