Wondering where you can find our products?

You can find our products in various chains of pharmacies and self-service stores all around the country. Find the place closest to your location.

* The inventory of the stores are responsibility of the own chains and independent of NARTEX LABS. If you wish to buy it online visit www.farmahabit.com



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Nuestra búsqueda permite que encuentres farmacias con Productos Nartex por Padecimiento, Productos o Dirección.

Our Search helps you finding pharmacies with Nartex products by illness, Products or direction.

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¡Lo sentimos! No encontramos productos Nartex cerca de tu ubicación. Si deseas comprarlos en línea visita Farmahabit.

We are sorry! There is no Nartex products available near you. What about buying online? Just visit Farmahabit.

Our Business Partners

Find us also in Farmacias del Ahorro, Farmacias Guadalajara, Chedraui, Costco, Gusher Pharmacies, La Comer, Farmacias Roma, Farmacias Yza.

Medical practices, regulations and available product portfolios might differ from one country to another.

As a result, the medical information provided in the site which you are going to visit may not be appropriate for product use in your country.