Juan Fernando González G. We are one of the richest countries in gastronomic culture in the world, but it must be recognized that many of the dishes we eat every day have excess fat, seasonings, flours and carbohydrates. To this inadequate diet we must add that we are a sedentary population that does not like regular sports practice very much, and that, in addition, suffers from high levels of stress. Experts say that this type of behavior has generated an upward curve in diseases of the digestive system, which affect people who are overweight and obese to a greater extent. Qualified information The coordinator of the Center for Dietetics and Nutrition of the Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE), Cristina Rodríguez Márquez, recently highlighted that, according to estimates from the World Gastroenterology Organization, “81.31 percent of the Gastrointestinal diseases originate from the consumption of food and beverages, so it is very important to review our eating habits and avoid risks ”. How do we know if we suffer from any deterioration in our digestive health? It is not that difficult, especially if we have any of the following symptoms on a recurring basis: • Heartburn or pain. • Heartburn. • Extreme abdominal swelling. • Accumulation of gases. • Constipation. • Decreased or increased appetite. Given these signs, it is best to seek medical help before gastritis, colitis, gastroesophageal reflux, irritable bowel syndrome, or even diverticulitis knock on our door: small bulging bags, called diverticula, located in the digestive tract. What about stress? According to the teacher Rodríguez Márquez, specialist in Clinical Nutrition, there is a direct relationship between stress and the appearance of symptoms of digestive disorders: “We know that through hormones and neurons the intestine communicates with the brain, and vice versa; in people with high stress, anxiety or depression, it leads to increased gastrointestinal symptoms. "This situation is more frequent around irritable bowel syndrome, so taking care of the balance of mental health is also a preventive measure," he said. Probiotics on stage According to the famed Mayo Clinic, probiotics are foods or supplements that contain live microorganisms intended to maintain or enhance the "good" bacteria (normal microbiota) in the body. Probiotics, according to the scientific article called the Mexican Consensus on Probiotics in Gastroenterology, a document in which about 40 specialists in the field participated, “are considered as living microorganisms that benefit health, and are frequently used in practice clinic". We share with you some of the conclusions reached by this working group: • There is consistent evidence that the use of probiotics can prevent or be useful in the treatment of various diseases, particularly gastrointestinal disorders, both in adults and children. • Most gastroenterologists in Mexico and worldwide recommend the use of probiotics. • Probiotics are live microorganisms that, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit to the host. • The administration of specific probiotics in patients with chronic constipation accelerates intestinal transit and increases the frequency of evacuations. As can be seen, the use of these preparations, and others, help us maintain good health and strengthen the immune system. An example to consider is that of beet-based supplements, which is an excellent source of beta-carotene (vitamin A), antioxidants, and fiber. But there is more, since its constant consumption prevents vision problems and improves digestion, among other things. References: · Prensa. Instituto de Seguridad y Servicios Sociales de los Trabajadores del Estado (ISSSTE). https://www.gob.mx/issste/prensa/obesidad-y-estres-riesgos-para-generar-enfermedades-del-sistema-digestivo-el-issste?idiom=es · Revista de Gastroenterología de México. Consenso mexicano sobre probióticos en gastroenterología. http://www.revistagastroenterologiamexico.org/es-consenso-mexicano-sobre-probioticos-gastroenterologia-articulo-S0375090616300933 · Clínica Mayo. https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/healthy-lifestyle/consumer-health/expert-answers/probiotics/faq-20058065 · El poder del consumidor. https://elpoderdelconsumidor.org/2019/01/el-poder-de-el-betabel/
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