Did you know that the skin is the largest organ in the human body? Yes! The skin is an organ and our main barrier against pollutants and harmful microorganisms. Sun, air, earth, our food and the products we use can damage it, making it look dry, flabby or cracked.
According to experts, there are some recommendations that you should take into account to have smooth and radiant skin.
• Drink water
The minimum consumption of 2 liters of water is essential to keep our skin hydrated, which will make the skin more resistant, flexible, soft and luminous.
• Protect yourself from the sun’s rays
Continuous exposure to the sun can cause spots, wrinkles and even cancer. That is why it is necessary that you always include sunscreen in your daily routine and apply it again at least every 3 hours, or as it is indicated. In addition, we recommend that you avoid exposing yourself to sunlight between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. which is when the sun’s rays are most intense.
• Avoid smoking
Have you noticed that when you smoke you make certain facial expressions repeatedly? By inhaling the cigarette and exhaling the smoke, the skin is puckered in such a way that you can speed up the process of wrinkles.
On the other hand, smoking causes the removal of nutrients from the skin, damaging the collagen and elastin fibers that the skin needs to maintain its softness and elasticity.
• Eat healthy and balanced
Having a diet with the necessary supply of nutrients will help create a perfect balance in our skin. Remember that it is not a matter of eating a lot of everything, but of eating intelligently. Likewise, decreasing the intake of processed carbohydrates and unnatural fats will help prevent skin blemishes.
• Manage stress
Believe it or not, one of the main consequences of poor stress management is reflected in the skin in form of acne, redness or peeling. For this reason, good time organization is essential, allowing you to carry out your activities without neglecting yourself.
• Be careful with your skin
Many times, when applying products to the face, we do it very abruptly, which can cause premature wrinkles to appear. So, it is important to remember that the application of products must be done slowly and with light taps to blur the product. In addition, we must differentiate the products that are for the face and those that are for other parts of our body and not mix them.
We invite you to raise awareness of the importance of the function of our skin and the factors that can harm it, so that you can start with measures to take proper care of it.
Author: Nerissa Álvarez
VoBo: Betzabe Guido
Mayo Clinic. (2019). Skin care: 5 tips for healthy skin. Obtained from: https://www.mayoclinic.org/es-es/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/skin-care/art-20048237
Mero, A. M. I. (2020). Deep hydration of the skin in third dimension. Knowledge Pole: Scientific-professional magazine, 5 (1), 110-124.
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