This Policy is applicable to all personnel who work in this work center, its monitoring, operation and evaluation, will be in charge of the General Directorate of Nártex Laboratorios Homeopáticos S.A. de C.V.

Any form of mistreatment, violence and segregation of the workplace authorities towards the staff and among the staff is strictly prohibited in terms of:

• Physical appearance
• Culture
• Disability
• Language
• Sex
• Gender
• Age
• Social, economic, health or legal condition.
• Pregnancy
• Civil or marital status
• Religion
• Opinions
• Ethnic or national origin
• Sexual preferences
• Migratory situation

1. Nartex Laboratorios Homeopáticos, S.A. de C.V. with address at Calzada Lázaro Cárdenas 708- 770 Ote, Col. Eduardo Guerra C.P. 27280 of this locality, with Federal Taxpayers Register No. NLH850807PN4, IMSS Employer Registry No. A4010609105.

2. Objective of the Policy on Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination
Establish the guidelines that promote a culture of labor equality and non-discrimination in the workplace and guarantee equal opportunities for each person who is part of the staff, harmonized with what is established in section III of Article 1 of the Federal Law for Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination LFPED) 1.

1 LFPED, Art. 1, Section III, says “Discrimination: For the purposes of this law, discrimination shall be understood to be any distinction, exclusion, restriction or preference that, by action or omission, with or without intention, is not objective, rational or proportional and whose object or result is to obstruct, restrict, prevent, impair or nullify the recognition, enjoyment or exercise of human rights and freedoms, when it is based on one or more of the following reasons: ethnic or national origin, skin color, culture, sex, gender, age, disabilities, social, economic, health or legal status, religion, physical appearance, genetic characteristics, immigration status, pregnancy, language , opinions, sexual preferences, identity or political affiliation, marital status, family situation, family responsibilities, language, criminal record or any other reason; Homophobia, misogyny, any manifestation of xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-Semitism, will also be understood as discrimination.

3. Scope
This Policy on Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination applies to the functional areas of the following work center: Nartex Laboratorios Homeopáticos, S.A. de C.V. with address at Calzada Lázaro Cárdenas 708-770 Ote, Col. Eduardo Guerra C.P. 27280 of this locality, with Federal Taxpayers Register No. NLH850807PN4, IMSS Employer Registry No. A4010609105.
4. Definitions
Terms applicable to the Policy on Labor Equality and Non-Discrimination for the workplace that are contemplated within its objective, such as: • Sex: Set of biological, anatomical and physiological differences of human beings that define women or men. It includes the evident diversity of their external and internal genital organs, the endocrine peculiarities that sustain them and the differences regarding the function of procreation. • Violence: Any action or omission that causes psychological, physical, patrimonial, economic, sexual damage or suffering or death, and that can occur both in the private and public sphere.
5. General Principles
I. We respect individual differences in culture, religion, and ethnicity. II. We promote equal opportunities and development for all staff. III. In the hiring processes, we seek to grant the same employment opportunities to candidates, regardless of: race, color, religion, gender, sexual orientation, marital or marital status, nationality, disability, or any other situation protected by federal laws. , state or local. IV. We foster a work environment of respect and equality, a caring atmosphere of open communication, and a workplace free from discrimination, sexual harassment, and other forms of intolerance and violence. V. We are committed to attracting, retaining and motivating our staff, so the compensation and benefits system of our workplace does not make any difference between employees who perform functions of similar responsibility. SAW. We respect and promote the right of people to achieve balance in their lives; promoting joint responsibility in the work, family and personal life of our collaborators. Homophobia, misogyny, any manifestation of xenophobia, racial segregation, anti-Semitism, as well as racial discrimination and other forms of intolerance will also be understood as discrimination ”.

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